School Discos

FOSC School Discos
Tuesday 11th February 
Nursery and Reception     3 – 4pm     £6 per child
Year 3 and 4 – 4.20 – 5.20pm £6 per child
Wednesday 12th February
Year 1 and Year 2 3:30 – 4:30pm (children will get changed after school and then be taken by their teacher to the hall. The disco starts at 3.30pm to allow them time to do this. You do not need to come to pick up at 3:10).   £6 per child 
Year 5 & Year 6  5:00 – 6.00pm  £6 per child
We will be providing drinks and crisps for the children at each disco.
Please click  here to book your child’s place.


We will need a little help from parents at each disco to provide drinks and snacks etc, if you can help please sign up as part of the booking process.